When do civil servants retire?

In order to be able to retire as a civil servant, the following conditions must be met.

1. you must have completed a minimum of five years of service as a civil servant.
2. you must have reached the statutory age limit of 65 years
3. for law enforcement officers in the judiciary, police or fire brigade, a special age limit applies – usually reaching the age of 60.
4. you can retire at your own request from the age of 63.
5. if you have a severe disability, you can already draw a pension from the age of 60.
6. you are found to be permanently incapacitated (without gross negligence), in which case you can draw your pension early.
7. your employer puts you into temporary retirement.

If you want to understand what you can expect from the german state pension than you can calculate it accurately with our mobile app.

You can also simulate any potential investments in the app that you could make to supplement the state pension.

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