Frequently asked questions

Common questions asked by our clients.

How to calculate apr from daily interest rate?

To calculate the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) from a daily interest rate, you need to first determine the daily interest rate as a...

How to lower the interest rate?

If you’re looking to lower your interest rate, there are a few steps you can take. First, make sure you have a good credit s...

How to lower credit card interest rate?

If you’re looking to lower your credit card interest rate, there are several steps you can take. First, you can try calling ...

How to get the best interest rate?

To get the best interest rate, you should start by shopping around and comparing rates from multiple lenders. Look beyond the big ...

How to get a lower interest rate on mortgage?

To get a lower interest rate on your mortgage, you can consider several strategies. First, shop around and compare rates from diff...

How to calculate compound interest rate in excel?

To calculate compound interest rate in Excel, you can use the formula: = (1 + interest rate) ^ (number of compounding periods) ...

How to ask a bank for lower interest rates?

If you’re looking to reduce your interest rate on a bank loan or credit card, there are several strategies you can try when ...

How do banks set interest rates?

Banks set interest rates based on a variety of factors, including the federal funds rate, the prime rate, and market conditions. T...

Does the covered interest rate parity hold?

Covered interest rate parity (CIRP) is an economic theory that suggests that the forward exchange rate should incorporate the inte...

How do interest rates affect the economy?

Interest rates can have a significant impact on the economy in several ways. When interest rates are high, it becomes more expensi...

How do bank interest rates work?

Bank interest rates are the amount of money that a financial institution pays to customers for holding their deposits. Interest ra...

What was the Japanese Bubble economy?

The Japanese Bubble Economy refers to a period of rapid economic growth and soaring asset prices in Japan during the 1980s. This p...

how to calculate inflation rate from cpi

Inflation rate can be calculated using Consumer Price Index (CPI). Formula: (CPI in current year – CPI in previous year) / C...

How to adjust for inflation in excel

To adjust for inflation in Excel, follow these steps: Determine the inflation rate. Subtract the inflation rate from 1. Multiply t...

What is the interest rate on a business loan?

The interest rate on a business loan can vary depending on the lender, the type of loan, and the creditworthiness of the borrower....

What is the average interest rate on a personal loan?

The average interest rate on a personal loan can vary depending on factors such as credit score, loan amount, and loan term. Accor...

What is nominal and real interest rate?

Nominal interest rate is the interest rate before adjusting for inflation, while real interest rate is the nominal rate adjusted f...

How to get a lower interest rate on car loan?

To get a lower interest rate on a car loan, consider the following steps: Improve your credit score by paying off debts and making...

What is apr vs interest rate?

APR, or annual percentage rate, is a measure of the cost of credit, including the interest rate and additional fees. It is express...

Who sets interest rates uk?

In the UK, interest rates are set by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of England. The MPC is responsible for formul...

How do banks determine interest rates on savings accounts?

Banks determine interest rates on savings accounts based on a variety of factors, including the Federal Reserve’s benchmark ...

What bank gives the highest interest rate?

The bank that offers the highest interest rate can vary depending on the type of account and the location of the bank. Typically, ...

What does miet mean?

MIET stands for “Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology.” It is a professional membership designation f...

How much money can I save?

The amount of money you can save depends on your income, expenses, and savings habits. To determine how much you can save, you sho...

What is an investment advisor?

An investment advisor is a certified counselor that has to help you with the analysis of your investments, the portfolio and the f...

What happens to retirement money when you die?

The fate of your assets and retirement income is determined based on where the income is coming from and, in the case of a retirem...

When should you start saving for retirement?

The earlier you start, the better! At the beginning of your career, when your salary is still low, a small monthly savings amount ...

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