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EM pensions are for workers who cannot work or can only work part-time, often because of an accident or illness.
However, reduced earning capacity pensions are only paid once the statutory pension insurance has approved the application. In the event of incapacity for work, an employee initially receives continued payment of remuneration from the employer for six weeks. As a rule, the health insurance fund then pays sickness benefit for up to 78 weeks.
As soon as it is foreseeable that the employee will no longer be able to work full time, an application for a reduced earning capacity pension should be made, as the application process is lengthy and complex. Information and advice is available on the website of the German Pension Insurance. In any case, it makes sense to get help with the application from a state or private pension adviser.
At Horizon65 we can help you to determine if company pensions are worth it for you by using our mobile app to simulate its effect on your future taking into your existing investments and potential impact of inflation and taxation.
We regularly help our clients by comparing all the available company pension products on the market using our comparison portal or you can also directly get in touch with our experts to understand if it can be a good option for you.
Download our app and start gaining insight into your current and future finances.