are private pensions protected uk?

Private pensions in the UK are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the Pension Protection Fund (PPF), and the Pension Regulator. The FSCS compensates you if your pension provider goes out of business or is unable to meet its obligations. The PPF provides compensation if your pension scheme is unable to pay the benefits it owes to its members. The Pension Regulator oversees the UK pension system and ensures that pension providers follow the rules and regulations. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these protections have limits and may not cover all of your savings, so it’s recommended to diversify your savings and spread your risk.

At Horizon65 we can help you to determine if company pensions are worth it for you by using our mobile app to simulate its effect on your future taking into your existing investments and potential impact of inflation and taxation.

We regularly help our clients by comparing all the available company pension products on the market using our comparison portal or you can also directly get in touch with our experts to understand if it can be a good option for you.


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