Who is paying for the pension insurance?

Normally, contributions to the statutory pension insurance for salaried employees are borne equally by the insured person and the employer (section 168(1) sentence 1 no. 1 SGB VI).
Until 31 March 1999, the employer had to bear the contributions alone when employing workers and trainees if the monthly income did not exceed 1/7 of the reference amount. Since April 1999, employers have only had to pay contributions alone for low-income employees and trainees.
In order to avoid problems in calculating contributions, the contribution according to BVV is determined by applying half the contribution rate to the remuneration and then doubling the rounded result.

If you want to understand what you can expect from the german state pension than you can calculate it accurately with our mobile app.

You can also simulate any potential investments in the app that you could make to supplement the state pension.

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