What is deducted from the pension?

The statutory pension insurance deducts health and long-term care contributions from the gross pension. For health insurance this is 7.3 per cent and another 3.05 per cent (childless persons: 3.3 per cent) for long-term care insurance. Under certain conditions, half of the nursing care insurance is paid by the pension provider. Pensioners also have a free choice of health insurance fund – by comparing, you can possibly save a few euros per month.
For example, if you receive a gross pension of about 1,000 euros, 78.50 euros including the supplementary contribution will be deducted for the health insurance and 30.50 euros for the long-term care insurance, leaving you with 891 euros. With a pension of 1,300 euros, which corresponds to the pension entitlement of an average earner, you are left with about 950 euros in real terms.
These figures show how important additional pension provision is for a carefree retirement.

If you want to understand what you can expect from the german state pension than you can calculate it accurately with our mobile app.

You can also simulate any potential investments in the app that you could make to supplement the state pension.

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